
The Rules of Procedure for the 董事会 were prepared as a guideline for the work of the 董事会. 议事规则在必要时予以更新. 议事规则的重大变更须经董事会批准. 

董事会的工作受芬兰有限责任公司法管辖, 泰莱斯特公司的组织章程, 股东大会的决定, the laws applicable to accounting and the securities market as well as the stock exchange rules provided by Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd. 

The 董事会 represents all the shareholders and always acts in the best interests of the company and its shareholders. The objective of the 董事会 is to guide the company’s business in such a manner that it provides the company’s shareholders with the best possible return in the long run.


根据公司章程, 泰来斯特的董事会成员最少为3人,最多为8人. 年度股东大会(AGM)决定董事会成员的人数及其选举. 董事会从其成员中选举董事会主席. 董事会指定的人担任董事会秘书.

The candidates for the 董事会 are chosen in co-operation between the Chairman of the Board and the major shareholders of the company. 除了所需的经验和专业领域, 在选择候选人时考虑到关于董事会多样性的准则. 

董事会的大多数成员必须独立于公司, and at least two of the members must also be independent of the company’s significant shareholders; independence is interpreted according to the definition provided in the Finnish Corporate Governance Code approved by the Securities Market Association. 

董事会成员的任期为一年, 并于年度股东大会选举董事会成员后结束. 董事会成员的任期不受限制.


The duties and responsibilities of the 董事会 are based on the Limited Liability Companies Act, 公司章程及其他法律法规.
The 董事会 regularly monitors the achievement of the company’s financial and strategic targets as well as the development of the company in accordance with the long-term goals. 董事会为公司管理层提供外部意见和支持. 审计委员会还负责确保会计核算, 公司的财务管理和风险管理组织得当. 除了, 是适用的, the 董事会 is responsible for matters related to the preparation of the shareholders’ meeting and the implementation of its decisions.

The 董事会 considers matters that have a significant and long-lasting effect on the company and defines the powers of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO). Matters requiring approval by the Board are listed in Appendix 1 to the Rules of Procedure for the 董事会. 定期检查附录. 此外,董事会:

  1. 确认公司的道德价值观和政策,并监督其实施;
  2. 监督公司管理层与股东和证券市场的沟通, 在必要的时候, 讨论了股东利益的形成和市场的反应;
  3. 确定公司的股利政策;
  4. annually confirms the company’s basic strategy as well as the business objectives for the planning period derived from the basic strategy;
  5. annually studies the technical development as well as the general demand and competition environment in the industry and assesses the company’s key risks on the basis of the analysis prepared by the CEO;
  6. reviews and approves interim financial statements and interim reports as well as the annual financial statements and the Report of the 董事会;
  7. 与审计长至少每年召开一次会议;
  8. 任命并在必要时解雇首席执行官;
  9. 向股东会提出必要的议案;
  10. 授予公司签署授权和代理权;
  11. 必要时成立董事会委员会;
  12. approves proportional principles and processes for related party transactions and monitors and assesses transactions between the company and its related parties;
  13. considers any other matters that the Chairman of the Board and/or CEO have decided to place on the agenda for a meeting and matters that Board members have requested to be considered at a meeting by informing the Chairman about their request; and
  14. 履行《十大娱乐彩票平台》规定的其他职责, 公司章程和其他规定.



The 首席执行官的评论 describes the most important events affecting the business operations of the different business areas. 



业绩报告包括集团的业绩和成本发展情况, 性能预测, 预算比较, 公司最重要的财务指标和财务状况.


The company management ensures that the Board members are informed of any important events in the company without delay. Information of stock exchange releases is provided in advance whenever possible and in any event no later than simultaneously with public communication.



The 董事会 meets regularly throughout the year in accordance with the annual calendar approved by the Board. 每次会议要考虑的最重要事项都列在日历上. 除了, the 董事会 meets whenever necessary when convened by the Chairman or when at least two Board members request a meeting. 董事会会议也可作为远程会议举行, and the Board may make decisions via email statements of approval without convening in a physical location. 


董事会秘书保存会议记录. 会议记录在下次董事会会议上核对并签署. 会议记录由董事会主席和一名董事会成员检查并签署. 如果一项决定是在没有亲自召集的情况下作出的, 董事会全体成员在会议记录上签了字. 董事会会议记录也可以电子形式签署. 


The 董事会 shall constitute a quorum when more than half of its members are present. 董事会在做决定时总是试图达成一致意见. 如果这是不可能的,决定由简单多数投票作出. 在票数相等的情况下,董事会主席有决定性的一票.

Items requiring a decision by the 董事会 are specified as decision items on the notice of the Board meeting, 并将其作为决定记录在董事会会议记录中.

Board members who are subject to a conflict of interests with respect to a decision shall not participate in the making of the decision in question. 董事会成员可将其异议记录在董事会会议记录中. 异议必须在作出决定后立即传达.


董事会主席准备议程, 由公司首席执行官和董事会秘书协助. 董事会不审议任何未列入议程的事项, 除非董事会在会议上一致决定这样做. The topics of 董事会会议 consist of topics specified in the annual calendar and other current matters. 董事会成员可就将事项列入会议议程提出建议.

The agenda and materials for a meeting are delivered to the Board members approximately one week before a meeting on a date specified in the annual calendar of the Board.

董事会认为必要时,可设立委员会来支持其工作. The 董事会 decides on the members, chairpersons and rules of procedure of the committees.


在2018年4月5日召开的组织会议上, 泰莱斯特公司的董事会为公司设立了一个审计委员会. The work and duties of the 审计委员会 are determined in the Rules of Procedure for the 审计委员会 that is subject to approval by the 董事会. The Chair of the 审计委员会 reports the meetings of the 审计委员会 to the 董事会 in a summary.

The 董事会 continuously aims to develop its work and performs annual self-evaluation.

